NetCIS is MCi’s Online Share Trading Platform offering secure access for Stockbrokers’ Clients to trade directly on the JSE / to route orders through to their broker.
NetCIS is MCi’s Online Share Trading Platform offering secure access for Stockbrokers’ Clients to trade directly on the JSE / to route orders through to their broker.
NetCIS integrates with MCi’s TradeCIS Trading Platform and PortCIS Portfolio Management System (or any equivalent 3rd party systems), to offer up to date market data (live or delayed) as well as personal portfolio valuations and performance calculations as well as the ability to enter trades.
NetCIS includes an end-to-end Digital On-Boarding module which provides a seamless customer experience and also automates the account creation on source systems such as BDA and others, reducing paperwork and improving efficiencies which significantly leads to improved client conversion rates and lower cost of client acquisition.
Business Process Automation in the back and middle office space also achieves quick wins when applied to high impact processes resulting in boosted productivity and reduced costs. In this regard, NetCIS includes:
NetCIS also includes an Advisor Portal from which advisors can manage their client accounts and over-see the health of their book of business. This includes client outreach and engagement, performance management and general administration. Dashboards provide insight to the overall performance of their book of business and highlights accounts which may require special attention.
Other features include: